By Carolyn A. Toomer, PMP, Vice President of Education/Academic

The “Project For A Day” 2014 Celebratory Luncheon was an event sponsored by the Atlanta Partners For Education (APFE), a joint venture between the Metro Atlanta Chamber and the Atlanta Public Schools. This organization provides youth opportunities between the Atlanta Public Schools and the Atlanta community. The APFE provides opportunities for the community to become involved in public education.

PMI Atlanta Chapter was one of the sponsors for Project For A Day 2014 and provided volunteers for this exceptionally worthwhile event. Off to an enthusiastic early start with Grove Park Elementary School Principal Patrick Muhammad and Par- ent Liaison Cynthia Mickelbury, volunteers were assigned career-focused presentations designed to introduce the students to the opportunities available for career choices. The career focus books were provided by the project’s sponsor, the United Way of Greater Atlanta.

Each of the five PMI Atlanta Chapter volunteers, Dario Lizcano, Doralee Montague, Linda Payntor, Shaun Stone, and I were assigned classrooms. The students gained insights into different careers, the experiences of the volunteers, and the volunteers enjoyed assisting the students with their career goals for the future.

During my participation in the “Project For A Day” event, I taught as well as enjoyed learning more about making a difference in my community. Project management was introduced as a career choice as well as a way to help with school projects and programs. We left the school with Principal Muhammad quoting Stephen Covey saying “begin with the end in mind”.

The day ended with the pièce de résistance “Project For A Day 2014” Celebratory Awards.