<Insert stats and Infographics from PMI Atlanta>

“Nearly 70 percent of organizations implementing PMOs report that project success rates have improved significantly as a result.” - Gartner Survey

Project Success Rates (All Projects) met expectations: 25 percent
Project Success Rates (World Class Organizations with PMO) met expectations: 90 percent
- Gartner Survey

According to research, "building a Project Management Office (PMO) is a timely competitive tactic." It is believed that "organizations, who establish standards for project management, including a PMO with suitable governance, will experience half the major project cost overruns, delays, and cancellations of those that fail to do so."  - Gartner Industry Research

High performing project organizations deploy approximately 20 percent more key PMO capabilities than comparable low-performing organizations. - The State of the PMO - 2007-2008 - A Benchmark of Current Business Practices (Center for Business Practices (CBP) Report)

In 2000, only 47 percent of surveyed organizations had implemented a PMO of any type. By 2006 77 percent of the respondents had implemented PMOs. - Value of Project Management - Center for Business Practices (CBP) Study