When Thommi Talks, Texting Stops

Thommi Odom has a way of capturing the attention of a room. Employees who viewed “in-service days” as a chance to doze or clear out personal e-mail accounts are surprised to find themselves actually listening . . . and learning!

Thommi, who is a certified Psychotherapist and a certified HR and Project Management Professional, has been in your shoes, err, seats. Her corporate career spanned twenty years:

  • first as a bean counter (her B.S. is in Accounting from Mercer University),

  • then as a techno-geek (M.B.A. in Information Systems from Kennesaw State),

  • and finally in Human Resources where she found her true calling (M.S. in Professional Counseling, Mercer).


Along the way, through the training-heavy years of the nineties and beyond, Thommi has experienced the good, the bad, and the “what-a-waste-of-time” of corporate trainings and seminars. She has a unique way of delivering and demonstrating strategies so that individuals can enjoy their work and revitalize their careers.

Learn more about Thommi at www.thommiodom.com