Event Calendar

Sunday. 20 June, 2021 - Saturday. 26 June, 2021
Tuesday. 22 June, 2021
6:00 pm

Technology (Virtual) Forum - 210622


"Recalibrate to Recover: 4 Ways to Lead People, Simplify Processes & Solve Problems" presented by Isha Edwards, Brand Management Consultant & Business Educator, EPiC Measures, LLC

PMI Atlanta Technology Forum provides an environment for Project Managers to adopt and benefit from the latest technology in their professional life and career. The forum also plans to bring speakers to discuss & share the best practices in technology.


Conflict, crisis, and change are three things leaders are tasked with managing regularly. Few things help to reconcile conflict, crisis or change like recalibrating. To calibrate is to correct or adjust the "graduations of something that measures, in comparison to a certain standard," so that what is measured can be used in an accurate and exact way. Recalibration is calibrating again or calibrating differently.

During this session, participants will recalibrate to recover, i.e., in anticipation of what is to come in 2021 and beyond. Participants will also learn 4 ways to lead people, simplify processes, and solve problems.