PMI Atlanta Chapter - PM in the AM Breakfast (Cumberland) - 171002

PM in the AM Breakfast (Cumberland) - 171002

"Shift to RICHes in your Career and Life" 
presented by Bernadette Boas, Ball of Fire Consulting

Join us for breakfast at The Georgian Club for a great start to the day, week, and month.  You will enjoy networking with peers, a hearty breakfast, and an engaging presentation.


This hands-on keynote accelerates one’s leadership style by:

  • Understanding the role of the mindset on the effectiveness of their skillset via our Shift to RICHes Formula™.
  • Assessing and honoring their riches of talent, skill, and achievements while acknowledging areas for development.
  • Creating a detailed RICHplan™ outlining key next steps, actions, tips and tactics for accelerating their leadership. Handout provided.


Boas-Bernadette-squareBernadette Boas is known as a ‘ball of fire’ business coach and consultant, mindset leadership coach and keynote speaker. She is the founder and principal of Ball of Fire Consulting; a business management and leadership growth company.

Bernadette spent twenty-five years in corporate America, where she held various consulting and management responsibilities; Chief Knowledge Officer, Global Vice President of Professional Services Development, Consulting Partner and Principal Consultant serving Fortune 500 technology and retail client organizations. She leverages her corporate savviness with her entrepreneurial spirit, to drive productivity and profits into small to corporate size clients.

With what she called her ‘pink slip to freedom’, Bernadette authored her first in a series of books entitled Shedding the Corporate Bitch, Shifting from Bitch to Rich in Life and Business. She most recently finished adapting her book into a feature film screenplay and television series entitled Confessions of a Bitch!

Bernadette currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia which she has called her home for twenty years, and can often be seen running around town with her four-legged best friend, Charlie.


Monday, October 2, 2017, 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM


The Georgian Club, 100 Galleria Pkwy, #1700, Atlanta, GA 30339


PMI Atlanta Member: $30.00, Early Bird Rate $25.00 through September 25th
Non-Member: $35.00, Early Bird Rate $30.00 through September 25th

Walk-ins are welcome at $40.00.

We no longer accept cash registrations at the door.  Please register in advance or via credit card at the door.

Meeting content, presenter, and location are subject to change. Refunds will not be made for changes in meeting content, presenters, or locations. 

Logging PDUs

Earn 1 PDU, Leadership

PDUs can be claimed here.
For detailed instructions, please visit the CCRS User Guide.

Event Properties

Event Date 10-02-2017 7:30 am
Individual Price $40.00
Location The Georgian Club

We are no longer accepting registration for this event