Event Calendar

Sunday. 07 October, 2018 - Saturday. 13 October, 2018
Tuesday. 09 October, 2018
6:00 pm

Architectural, Engineering, & Construction (AEC) Forum - 181009

The PMI Atlanta AEC Forum is a focus group that hosts regular events with ranging topics in the architectural, engineering, and construction fields. We will show the importance of solid project management in these related fields of study.


"The Impromptu Speaker" by JD Clocksdale, Speakerworks, Chief Development Officer & CoachClocksdale-JD

"The Impromtu Speaker” focuses on communicating effectively in less formal, unplanned business situations such as company meetings, project updates, visits with clients, and impromptu Q&A. All of these scenarios demand the ability to think on your feet, quickly organize a message, and deliver it in a way that conveys confidence   


Thursday. 11 October, 2018
6:15 pm

PMI Atlanta Toastmasters Meeting - 181011

Whole Foods Market Community Room

If you would like to earn PDUs while improving your communications and leadership skills, this opportunity is for you! PMI Atlanta has teamed up with Toastmasters International to offer you a chance to hone your public speaking, critical listening, and leadership skills in a supportive environment. You will also have an opportunity to practice speaking off-the-cuff, giving and receiving feedback, emceeing a meeting, and many other valuable business skills. Since this club is exclusively for PMI Atlanta members, you will also have an opportunity to develop bonds within the PMI community.