The PMI Atlanta Chapter invites you to participate in our “Career Month” for our annual Recruiter’s Panel Dinner Meeting and Quarterly Networking Social – This is a two day event on Monday, July 14 and Tuesday, July 15. This change is based on our members’ feedback and needs.
We are asking recruiting companies to help sponsor this year’s Career month event with a $500.00 Sponsorship. The two combined events are part of PMI Atlanta Chapter monthly dinner and quarterly networking meetings. On average, these events average 125 attendees. Below is what you will receive for sponsoring the two-day event:
Monday, 7/14/14 – PMI Atlanta Monthly Dinner @ Westin Hotel – Perimeter
- Sponsorship in both the PMI Atlanta Chapter newsletter and website
- Table top set-up in the lobby of the event space that will cover ‘networking’ prior to the event
- Two (2) free seats for dinner and program
- Panelist at the recruiter table for program presentation
Tuesday, 7/15/14 - PMI Atlanta Quarterly Networking Meeting @The Georgian Club, Marietta
- Sponsorship in both the PMI Atlanta Chapter newsletter and website
- Sponsorship ‘Acknowledgements’ - for Sponsoring the evening, Light hors d’oeuvres, desert, and non-alcoholic beverages
- Each Sponsor will get a table set-up for “Speed Dating with Recruiter”
- One (1) Panelist for the “Speed Dating” at the recruiter event
- At least 1-2 active recruiting searches for Project/Program Managers, Business Analyst, etc.
Please notify us of your interest to participate in this year PMI Atlanta Chapter’s Career Month.
If you are interested, please contact:
- Karen Jackson-Crawford – – 404-242-3280
- Doug Howard – – 404-754-4032
- Paulette Strain- – 770-262-5559
Don't MISS OUT on this unique opportunity to network directly with our members.