The results are in! You overwhelming approved the below change to the Chapter Bylaws:
"Article VI, Section 6, Item C
Has not been removed from or resigned from PMI Atlanta Board, or Leadership Team, for the two years preceding the call for nominations AND is not under criminal investigation."
We thank you for your participation.
The Chapter Dinner Meeting schedule has changed. Beginning January 2015 the meeting will take place every other month on odd months.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 9th. Please check the Chapter events calendar and read the weekly eblasts for Bimonthly Dinner meeting dates and times.
Join us on January 27th at the Technology Forum to get a “taste of PMI Atlanta Forums”. We will have a representative from each of the PMI Atlanta Industry Forums talk about their forum and why you would be interested in attending it. Each speaker will spend 5-7 minutes talking about the objectives of their forum, who should attend, what has been presented over the past year and when/where the forum takes place. This is an excellent way to find out more about our forums and how they can help you in your industry and career. PMI Atlanta Industry Forums being represented are: Agile Forum, Governance Forum, Architectural-Engineering-Construction Forum, Healthcare Forum and Technology Forum. Don’t miss this great opportunity! We will be videotaping this event – please join us and experience all the Industry Forums at one time.
Technology Forum will be January 27th at Hewlett Packard location, 5555 Windward Parkway, Alpharetta, GA. Refreshments will be available at 5:00 pm with networking until 5:45 pm. The program will begin at 5:45 pm until 7:00 pm. Register Here!
Happy Holidays,
As my time as Chair comes to a close, I would like to take the opportunity to thank each of you for allowing me to serve as your Chair. It’s been a great year and I am excited to share our success with you.
We fulfilled our commitment to increase the value of membership in 2014 by enhancing the use of technology, offering diverse networking and learning opportunities, honoring our volunteers and decreasing our expenses.
This year in technology a new website was launched that allows members to subscribe to Chapter communications and that is estimated to save 60% over the next 3 to 5 years; tools were implemented to optimize the use of social media, Twitter followers were increased 166% and virtual meetings were launched.
In addition to moving to an exciting new venue for the Monthly Dinner Meetings, a number of unique networking events were held such as the Etiquette of Networking, Speed Dating with Recruiters and Meet, Greet, & Tweet.
Written by Valerie Williams-Ndikintum, PMP
PMI Atlanta Toastmasters conducted its first meeting of November on Thursday, the 13th. The meeting consisted of 24 attendees in total, including 4 guests. Guests included professionals, as well as students, most of which were PMI Atlanta members.
The theme of the November 13th meeting was Veterans Appreciation, facilitated by Toastmaster, Modupe Olatunji, PMP. Three speech projects were presented. One non manual project and two projects from the Competent Communicator Manual. A Table Topics session was also conducted.
The first project, presented by Fred Walker, ACG, ALB, was a custom speech outlining the Toastmaster Mentoring Program. Fred used a PowerPoint presentation as a visual aid to walk the audience through key aspects of the mentoring program. Information shared during the speech comprised of the benefits of the mentoring program for new Toastmasters members including ease of transition into the club and developing special skills. Fred also delivered the advantages to mentors, clubs, and mentor qualities.