Written by Valerie Williams-Ndikintum, PMP
PMI Atlanta Toastmasters conducted its second meeting of October on Thursday the 23rd. The meeting consisted of 21 attendees in total including 4 guests. Guests included professionals, as well as students most of which were PMI Atlanta members.
The theme of October 23rd’s meeting was ‘Changes’, facilitated by Toastmaster Shannon Kraiger, CTM, CC. Three speech projects were delivered, all of which were presented to satisfy speech 2: Organize Your Speech, from the Competent Communication manual. A Table Topics session was also conducted.
The goal of project 2: Organize Your Speech, in the Competent Communication manual, is to deliver a speech as an outline allowing the audience to easily follow and comprehend the speech topic. The speech is expected to transition from message to message appropriately, presenting a clear and concise message all within the timeframe of 5 to 7 minutes.